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Genetics and Ethics in Health Care: New Questions in the Age of Genomics Health

American Nurses Association
Place of Publication: 
Silver Spring, MD

Award Winning Title - This book won an Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication for high-quality content, writing, editing, design, and integration. As an excellent resource for students, nurses, educators, researchers, and others in academia, government, and industry, Genetics and Ethics in Health Care focuses on the accomplishments to date in understanding genetic causal factors in health and illness and the resulting ethical challenges. The book includes contributions from nursing and other health care disciplines, as well as from cultural, ethnic, and religious communities. A variety of case studies and articles on specific health conditions and healthcare situations lends a practical depth to the discussion. Readers will gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the ethical issues surrounding genetic and genomic technologies, health care, and nursing practice and their effects on patients, families, and communities. (Amazon)