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The Debate over Human Cloning: A Pro/Con Issue

Enslow Pub.
Place of Publication: 
Berkeley Heights, NJ

These books are written in an evenly balanced pro/con format that explores all sides of a hot issue. Perfect for debates and reports, each book is broken up into clear and concise sections discussing every facet of the controversial topic. Included in each book are color photographs, fact boxes, Internet addresses, a further reading list, chapter notes, and an index.From the birth of Dolly, the first cloned sheep, to the announcement in 2001 by Advanced Cell Technology that it had cloned a human embryo, the subject of cloning has been in the news. Using charts and illustrations as well as clearly written text, author David Goodnough explains the cloning process and explores the ethical, social, and scientific questions raised by this controversial subject so that young readers can draw their own conclusions. (Publisher)