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October 8, 2021

The following lecture by Allen Verhey, MD, was originally presented at CBHD's 20th annual conference in 2013, Health and Human Flourishing.

Abstract: Following David Kelsey, Eccentric Existence: A Theological Anthropology (WJKP, 2009), human flourishing depends first and fundamentally upon the triune God and upon the ways in which this God relates to us as the One who creates, as the One who draws us toward God’s good future, and as the One who reconciles us when we are estranged from God, from their neighbors, and from the creation.

Human flourishing is enacted in appropriate responses to the triune God who relates to us in these three different but interrelated ways. In doxological gratitude, joyous hopefulness, and affective affirmation we can flourish in sickness and in health, when we need care and when our care is needed.