Center News - Winter 2003

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Center Publishes Cloning Article in Mayo Clinic Proceedings

The Center published an article in the August issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings journal, arguing that medicine should reject all forms of human cloning—whether done for ‘research or “reproductive” purposes. Mayo Clinic Proceedings has the second largest circulation of medical journals in the world.

The Center’s Linda Bevington, John Kilner, and Ben Mitchell collaborated with William R Cheshire, Jr. of the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida; Edmund D. Pellegrino and Kevin T. FitzGerald of The Center for Clinical Bioethics, Georgetown University; Nancy L. Jones, Wake Forest University School of Medicine; and C. Everett Koop, The C. Everett Koop Institute, Dartmouth College to write the article. To view the Center’s press release visit http:l/www.cbhd.orglmedialprlo3-08-12.htm.

Attendees Impressed by the Depth of Remaking Humanity? Conference

More than 320 people arrived at the suburban Chicago campus of Trinity International University for the Center’s 10th annual summer conference, which focused on the ethical issues of biotechnology and their implications now and for the future. Many commented on the profundity of the sessions, remarking that they far exceeded their expectations. An important part of the conference was two CBHD foundation-funded research projects—the “Theology of Biotechnology” project and the “Remaking Humanity” project—the first fruits of which were presented during the event.

Center Hires New Research Assistant

Matthew Eppinette has been hired as the Center’s new research assistant. Matthew is currently pursuing a master’s degree in bioethics at Trinity International University and has applied to doctoral programs in bioethics for the 2004- 2005 academic year. He will primarily be responsible for assisting with various research initiatives and information requests.

Center Seeking Director of Development Candidates

The Center is still seeking applications for its Director of Development position. If you know of any good candidates, please encourage them to submit a resume! Detailed information about the position is available on our website at