Center Resources - Winter 2002

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“Bioethics at the Bedside” 2002 Conference Audio & Papers

Edmund Pellegrino, M.D.

Professor of Medicine & Medical Ethics, Georgetown University

The Need of the Patient vs. the Needs of Others

Examines within the context of welfare of the patient the moral conflicts between forms of justice – social, communicative, distributive, and Christian.

Code#A822, PC822

Henk Jochemsen Ph.D.

Director, Lindeboom Institute

Bedside Bioethics: A European Assessment

Elucidates the growing difference between the more traditional model of medicine with more attention to palliative care and a more technical and "service" oriented model of the medical profession.

Code# A812, PC812

Mildred Best, M.Div., M.S.S.

Assistant Professor, University of Virginia Health System

Spiritual and Social Needs at the Bedside

Answers the question of how good spiritual care relates to the ethical issues of today in terms of palliative care, advance directives, and other end-of-life issues.

Code#A802, PC802

Code#A819, PC819 A Rabbi, a Priest, and a Mantra Brad Mellon, Ph.D.

Analyzes quality of life concerns from the historical perspective of our longstanding Judeo-Christian heritage.

Code#A813, PC813 Biblical Ethics and Ageism Brent R. Kelly, Ph.D. (cand.)

Seeks to identity what fundamental principles the Bible holds concerning the elderly.

Code#AB1B Bioethics and Public Policy Daniel McConchie, M.A.

Discusses how bioethical issues are creating unconventional alliances and crossing political party lines.

Code#AB16 Bioethics and the Church Jennifer Lahl, M.A.

A practical discussion on how to involve the Church in bioethics.

Code#A817 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Janice Lyons, R.N.

Introduces common CAM practices and the scientific, spiritual, and ethical issues which can be identified with their promotion.

Code# A804, PCBO4 Death Deliverance: Euthanatic Thinking in Germany ca. 1890- 1933 J. Daryl Charles, Ph.D.

Considers the evolution of the notion “life unworthy of living” in German academic thought when National Socialism officially took power.

Code# A815, PCB15 Dementia Care: Whose Ethics? Alma Labunski, Ph.D., M.S., R.N.

Reviews the case study of a patient diagnosed with dementia related to the Alzheimer’s type and discusses the ethical implications.

Code# AB1O Developmental Factors Impacting Bio-ethical Decision Making Stephen Greggo, Ph.D.

Promotes the application of biblical wisdom in making bioethical heath are choices.

Code# A82B Exemplar of Caring: A Nurse and Her Patient Linda Treloar, Ph.D.

Presents the stories of a hospice nurse and her patient who had breast cancer.

Code# A801 How Ethical Theories Can and Do Affect Governmental Policies Mary Adam, M.D.

Offers a first step towards understanding the impact certain ethical theories have had on governmental responses to the HIV/AlOS epidemic.

Code# AB24, PC824 Living Donor Transplantation Gregory Rutecki, M.A.

Discusses how this recent transplantation innovation must be placed in the context of Hippocratism.

Code# ABD9 Medical Futility Dale Erickson, M.D.

Discusses a shift from the major bioethical principle, the patients’ autonomy, to doc tor/hospital autonomy.

Code# A827 Multi-Professional Teems: Challenges and Opportunities Sister Carol Taylor, RN., Ph.D.

Explores who the members of the health care team are and how they can participate to promote the well-being of the patient.

Code# A820 The New Eugenics and the Newborn David Mortimer, M.Div.

Examines the renewed discussion of infanticide in academia and the public square.

Code#A811 Organs from NonHeart-Beating Donors Nancy Guilfoy Valko, R.N.

Elucidates the disturbing intersection between “right to die” thinking and NHBD.

Code# A823, PC823 The Persistent Vegetative state: A Christian Response Cindy Province, R.N., M.S.N.

Explores the problems associated with the diagnosis of PVS and complexities of caring for the person in the PVS.

Code#A805 The Physician-Pastor-Patient Relationship as an Aid to Right Medical Choices Hugh Clarke, M.D.

Suggests that words spoken and deeds per formed for a patient’s welfare should demonstrate God’s loving-kindness and His ability to heal.

Code# A807 Presenting a Curriculum Concerning Infertility, Stem Cell Research, and Cloning Ronald Crock, M.D.

Helps the Christian couple make appropriate decisions most consistent with the Biblical text.

Code# A806, PC806 Professional Right of Conscience and Patient Informed Consent Teresa Coliett, J.D.

Argues that health care professionals and or their institutions should be permitted to refuse to carry out certain interventions (e.g., abortions that violate their consciences.

Code# A829, PC829 Public Health Ethics: A Case Study Isaac Voss

Examines the issue of coercion from different approaches within the context of a tuberculosis epidemic in New York City.

Code# A825 Quality of Life and Other End-of-Life Challenges David Schiedermayer, M.D.

Explores end-of-life issues using short poem case studies including an engaging O&A time at the end of the session.

Code# A826, PCB25 Supporting a Person to Die with Dignity Duane Schmutzer, R.N., M.S.N.

Presents three true case studies and includes lively debate and discussion during the session.

Code# A803 The Theological Context of Bedside Bioethics Nigel Cameron, Ph.D.

Argues that medicine has been determined from its beginnings by a theological context.

Code# A808, PCBO8 Toward a Biblical Response to Medical Mistakes John Dunlop, M.D.

Reflects on how God sovereignly works in spite of, and even sometimes through, our weaknesses to accomplish His glory.

Code# A821 When Patients Demand Too Much or AllowToo Little for Religious Reasons Robert Orr, M.D.

Discusses how to honor a patient’s religious beliefs as an adult, child, or adolescent.

Code# A814 Year of the Zebra: A Personal Case Study Karen Kelroy. M.S.

Focuses on how the Keiroy family dealt with the ethical dilemmas concerning their son’s sickness.


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M=Member NM=Non Member A=Audio tM price $6, NM price $81 PC=Paper tM price $3, NM price $4.501 ASETO9=Complete Audio Set tM price $73, NM price $100)

BioEngagement: Making a Christian Difference Through Bioethics Today

Nigel Cameron, Scoff Daniels, and Barbara White (editors)

Sets forth a vision of Christian leadership in public policy, addresses the reciprocal effect of bioethics and culture, and offers timely strategies for impacting today’s society on issues central to human life and dignity. It takes seriously the Christian mandate to engage today’s contemporary culture on the crucial issues raised by biotechnology. 265 pp.

Code#B007 M price $17 NM price $22

Cuffing-Edge Bioethics: A Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends

John F Kilner C. Christopher Hook, and Diann B. Uustal (editors)

This book provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics—including the current debate surrounding stem cell research, artificial intelligence, and more. These issues—and the ethical questions they raise—are evaluated from a Christian perspective by notable scholars and medical practitioners, thereby providing a helpful orientation to biotechnology for anyone wishing to learn more about the challenging ethical dilemmas in this ever-advancing field. 201 pp.

Code #B008 M price $17 NM price $22