Center Resources - Winter 2003

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“Remaking Humanity” 2003 Conference Audio Cassettes 1 Audio CDs

Joni Eareckson Tada

JAF Ministries

A Crucial Role for Non-Scientists

Offers an important vision of bioethics from the perspective of severe disability, celebrating the beauty of life and living in this context.

Code# A908, C908

C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D.

Trinity International University

Biotech and Purposes of Technology

Discusses the uniqueness of biotechnology and its goals of manipulating and exploiting life, including human life.

Code# A916, C916

Edmund Pellegrino, M.D.

Georgetown University

Biotech and the Ends of Medicine

Defines concepts of disease, illness, sick ness, health, and enhancement and considers them in terms of their ethical “distance” from the traditional ends of medicine.

Code# A917, C917

Keynote Speakers

A913, C913 A Code of Ethics for Bioscience Nancy Jones, Ph.D.

Covers cultural trends that are shaping the scientitic sphere of influence, as well as existing norms imbedded in the culture of science.

A908, C908 A Crucial Role for Non-Scientists Joni Eareckson Tada

See description above.

A920, C920 Biotech and Conflicting Worldviews Scoff Rae, Ph.D.

Focuses on philosophical naturalism, radical environmentalism, and Judeo-Christian theism and how they influence biotechnology.

A903, C903 Biotech and Human Community Jean Bethke Elshtain, Ph.D.

Provides a critical look at society’s quest tor pertection in the context of genetic engineering and its view of the human body as an object of construction.

A914, C914 Biotech and Human Dignity John F Kilner, Ph.D.

Discusses how human dignity is a crucial ethical standard to which people on both sides ot bioethical debates appeal.

A917, C917 Biotech and the Ends of Medicine Edmund Pellegrino. M.D.

See description above.

A916, C916 Biotech and the Purposes of Technology C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D.

See description above.

A921, C921 Enhancing Human Beings through Drugs Jarreff Richardson, M.D., William Cheshire, M.D.

Describes ways to distinguish between how drugs can be used to restore abnormal and preserve normal brain function, but primarily focuses on examples of enhancing brain function to super-normal levels.

A918, C918 Enhancing Human Beings through Genetics David Prentice, Ph.D., Henk Jochemsen, Ph.D.

Examines the scientific basis tor our understanding of the genetic code—and how that does or does not define us as human— and explores the relationship between genetic endowment and the identity of the human individual.

A912, C912 Enhancing Human Beings through Mechanical Devices C. Christopher Hook, M.D., David Fletcher, Ph.D.

Explores developments in the fields of nanotechnology and neurotechnology in light of the transhumanist movement.

A915, C915 Why Every Person Should Care About Biotechnology Erwin Lutzer, Th.D., LL.D.

Describes the urgent challenges that emerging biotechnologies pose and implores the church to educate itself and the world.

Paper Presenters

A905, C905 A Neglected Solution to the Problem of the Metaphysical Status of the Human/Animal Chimera Russell DiSilvestro, M.A.

Posits that the human/animal chimera may have complete human and animal status.

A91D, C91D Bioethical Considerations: Related to the Use of Technology to Enhance Capabilities and Performance in Humans Sharon Falkenheimer, M.D.

Offers a biblically-based evaluation of enhancement technologies.

A9D2, C902 Biotech and the Status of the Human Embryo: Is Dialogue Possible? Thomas Berg, L.C., Ph.D.

Encourages renewed dialogue on the moral status of the human embryo.

A919, C919 Biotech Debacle: Ethical Concerns in Human Gene Therapy, The Cindy Province, R.N., M.S.N.

Explores the problems surrounding human research protection in gene therapy trials.

A923, C923 Biotechnology, Genetic Disease, and Disability: Divergent Perspectives and Ethical Considerations Linda Treloar, Ph.D., R.N.

Offers theological, socio-cultural, and person al perspectives surrounding disability that may inform discussions about the use of biotechnology related to genetic diseases.

A9DS, CSD9 Ethical Issues in Human Experimentation Dale Erickson, M.D.

Discusses the terms “voluntary” and “informed consent” in the context of modern and past human experiments.

A911, C911 Ethical Method in Christian Bioethics: Mapping the Terrain David Gushee, Ph.D.

Describes and analyzes methods of Christian bioethical engagement.

A9D7, C9D7 Eugenics as a Religious Ideology: Past and Present Manifestations Dennis Durst, Ph.D.

Explores eugenics as a modernistic religion, wherein traditional religious communities and the scientific establishment re-negotiated their claims to cultural authority.

A922, C922 Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide Joe Sayers, M.D.

Provides education about PAS and the ethnicity of its use.

A9D4, C9D4 Human-Animal Mix and Match: How Chimeras and Cyborgs Would Challenge Concepts of What it Means to be Human William Cheshire, M.D., Nancy Jones, Ph.D., Linda MacDonald Glenn, J.D.

Summarizes the shifting ethical landscape where species demarcations seem to merge.

C924 Influencing the Development of Biotechnology Through Media and Public Policy (2 CDs; on CD only) Daniel McConchie, M.A., Michelle Powers

Strategizes how to interact with media and affect public policy on biotech issues.

A9D1, C901 Introducing Neurophilosophy: A Postmodern Answer to Morality and Ethics Daniel Beals, M.D.

Contends that biotechnology impacts the philosophy of mind and concepts of morality.

A9D6, CSD6 Overcoming Barriers to the Delivery of Genetic Services Ronald Crock, M.D.

Suggests appropriate policies and methods for educating primary care physicians in genetic medicine.

Selected Books

Life’s Worth: The Case Against Assisted Suicide Arthur J Dyck, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA; Senior Fellow at the Center tor Bioethics and Human Dignity.

Offers a full discussion of the contemporary topic of assisted suicide, frames the issue in secular terms, examines the longstanding Western tradition that prohibits assisted suicide, critiques current arguments for assisted suicide, and outlines a Christian response. 113 pages.

Code# 8103 M price: $16 NM price: $20

Does God Need Our Help? Cloning, Assisted Suicide, & Other Challenges in Bioethics John F Kilner Ph.D., C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D

Discusses critical bedside and biotech challenges, informs readers of the newest advances in biotechnology, and clearly states the biblical principles by which Christians can evaluate biotechnologies and health care. 233 pages.

Code# 8305 M price: $8.80 NM price: $11