Meet the Staff: Michael Sleasman

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At the end of March, the Center welcomed a new Managing Director and Research Scholar, Michael Sleasman, MDiv, Ph.D. (Candidate). Michael has been a part of the Trinity community for a number of years, as he and his wife Cindy each completed their respective Masters Degrees in the Divinity School. Michael joins us as he nears the completion of his Ph.D. in Theological Studies this summer at TEDS with a dissertation in theological ethics, entitled: On Visions and Virtue: A Theological Proposal for a Spesiential Virtue Theory, is a theological examination of eschatological hope in light of virtue theory.

Michael has served as an adjunct instructor and online course tutor at the college and graduate level of both Trinity International University (for the College and Divinity School extension program) and Wheaton College in the areas of philosophy, theology and ethics. His particular area of specialization is technological (especially computer and cyber-technology) ethics.

He has co-edited and contributed several essays to the recently published volume Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends, edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson and Michael J. Sleasman (Baker Academic, 2007). In addition, he has written a number of book reviews for various journals, including Reviews in Religion and Theology and Ethics & Medicine: an International Journal of Bioethics, and is currently developing a website devoted to cultural agency at He is currently writing two essays, “Christianity and the New Technologies” and “Post-Conservative Theology,” to appear in the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization (Blackwell).

Alongside the continual evaluation and improvement of our online resources ( and, our Director, C. Ben Mitchell and Michael are working closely to cultivate the Center’s research agenda and impact. Ongoing projects include the development of a resource room housed at the Center’s facilities to encourage relations with Trinity students and the completion of several Center initiated book projects authored by Darryl Charles, Robert Orr, and David Gushee through our ongoing relationship with Eerdmans publishing. Another project in the development phase is a Fall Consultation on an emerging biotech issue. Stay tuned for emerging details on this exciting new venture.

Michael looks forward to meeting and serving the CBHD constituency. If he can be of service to you on behalf of the Center or if you would like to take the time to introduce yourself, please feel free to contact him at