Updates & Activities (Fall-Winter 2022)

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Theological Bioethics Roundtable

  • CBHD hosted its bi-annual theological bioethics roundtable, this time engaging TEDS PhD students on Mary Shelley’s classic, Frankenstein.

Staff Updates

  • Bryan Just began his PhD in Church History at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He will continue to work for the Center as he progresses in his studies.
  • Anna Vollema has been appointed as the new Research Scholar for CBHD. Having previously held the Robert D. Orr Fellowship, she will continue in this role until a new Orr Fellow is selected.

Staff Speaking Engagements

Matthew Eppinette:

  • Presented a guest lecture on the ethics of surrogacy for a cohort of students seeking to become marriage and family therapists at Fuller Seminary. In addition, he presented lectures on the ethics of technology and the ethics of the body in sport for St. Paul’s Theological College Malaysia.
  • Led an interactive discussion on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade for the students and faculty of Trinity along with TEDS Assistant Professor of New Testament David Bryan.
  • In October, met with the District Superintendents of the Evangelical Free Church to discuss ways in which CBHD might better support pastors in their ministry contexts.

Heather Zeiger:

  • Went on the CBHD Bioethics Podcast to talk about fetal tissue research and Christian bioethics (you can listen to her podcast here).
  • Regular guest on Mornings with Carmen (on Faith Radio) to talk about the latest science and bioethics headlines.

Bryan Just:

  • Presented at the Evangelical Theological Society conference on “Death in Song: A Comparison of End-of-Life References in Evangelical Music.”
  • Taught a Sunday school series on bioethics at Village Church of Lincolnshire.

The Bioethics Podcast

2022 in Review

  • In the top 25% most shared globally.
  • Top 15% most followed.
  • Gained 84% more followers.

Staff Publications

Matthew Eppinette:

  • Submitted a chapter entitled “Will Posthumans be Persons? Taking the Transhumanist Goal Seriously” to Taking Persons Seriously: Where Philosophy and Bioethics Intersect. The book is being edited by CBHD Academy of Fellows members Mihretu Guta and Scott Rae and will be published through Wipf & Stock.
  • Coediting, along with CBHD Senior Fellow Scott Rae, a special issue on the Church after Roe and Dobbs for the journal Faith and Flourishing.

Heather Zeiger (you can read any of these published pieces here):

  • Regular contributor to Mind Matters News on the topics of ethics, China and technology.
  • Wrote an Intersections piece entitled “Why Was the ‘Twitching Generation’ So Popular on Bioethics.com?”
  • Published an article in Salvo magazine, Summer 2022, entitled “Lines That Divide: Untangling Moral Complexities Related to Fetal Tissue Research.”

Bryan Just:

  • Wrote “Six Billion Tics: Social Media ‘Influencers’ & the Spread of Mental Disorders” and “Humanity 2.0: How to Think about Human Chip Implants” for Salvo magazine.