Save these Dates! - Summer 2002

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Early Bird Registration Available Now Through June 7th! Academic and Continuing Education credit available for each event (See website,, or call 888-246-3844)

Bioethics Institutes

July 15-18, 2002—Deerfield, Illinois

Taught by over a dozen leading Christian figures in bioethics. Includes the Bioethics at the Bedside conference.

Intensive Bioethics Institute A thorough orientation to the field of bioethics, com paring Christian and non-Christian perspectives. Topics include: cultural contexts, competing approaches, genetic intervention, managed care, abortion, suffering and pain management, reproductive technologies, and “bioethics today.”

Advanced Bioethics Institute Considers in greater depth various approaches to bioethics, with special reference to end-of-life issues. Approaches include: biblical rev elation, theological paradigms, natural law, casuistry, ethical principles, communitarian/liberation ethics, and narrative/virtue ethics.

Ethics Committees and Consultants Institute An investigation of challenging cases and issues facing people on institutional ethics committees and those asked to provide ethical consultation in health care situations.

Undergrad/Pre-Med Bioethics Institute

July 17-18, 2002—Deerfield, Illinois

An orientation to bioethics for those considering careers in bioethics, medicine, or health care. Topics include health care practice and clinical ethics, as well as specific issues such as end-of-life care, assisted reproduction, and genetic intervention.

“Making a Difference Through Bioethics” Seminar

July 22-24, 2002—Deerfield, Illinois

An in-depth examination of strategies for affecting the ways that people think and act regarding bioethical issues, including legal and public policy strategies.

Regional Conferences

June 13-15,2002—Oak Brook, Illinois:

“Cutting-Edge Issues in Bioethics” Seminar Wrap-Around Course. For more information, including how you can earn an M.A. in bioethics degree without relocating, call (888)246-3844.

November 1 (eve.) -2, 2002—Buffalo, New York:

“Cutting Edge Issues in Bioethics” Seminar. For more information, call (888)246-3844

*If you are interested in hosting a conference co-sponsored by The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity in your area, please contact Jim Moscato at the address above or see our web site at