Save these Dates! - Summer 2003

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Academic and Continuing Education Credit Available for Each Event

Bioethics Institutes

(Deerfield, Illinois)

Taught by over a dozen leading Christian figures in bioethics. Each Institute includes the July 17-19, 2003 conference on Remaking Humanity?

Week-long Institutes (July 14—19, 2003):

Intensive Bioethics Institute

(Nigel Cameron, Ph.D., Director)

A thorough orientation to the field of bioethics, comparing Christian and nonChristian perspectives.

Advanced Bioethics Institute

(David Fletcher, Ph.D., and John Kilner, Ph.D., Co-Directors)

Considers in greater depth various approaches to bioethics, with special reference to end-of-life issues.

Whole-Person Palliative Care Institute

(Martha Twaddle, M.D., and C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Co-Directors)

Examines medical, ministry, and other challenges involved in managing pain and suffering.

Undergrad/Pre-Med Bioethics Institute (July 16-19, 2003):

(Joyce Shelton, Ph.D., Director) An orientation to bioethics for those considering careers in ethics, medicine, or health care.

Cultural Pluralism and Bioethics Seminar (July 21-23, 2003):

(Harold Netland, Ph.D., and C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Co-Directors) An analysis of con temporary culture and the implications of pluralism for bioethics.

Next Regional Bioethics Conference

April 25-26, 2003 - E. Lansing (Okemos), Michigan:

“Bioethics, Genetics, Reproductive Technology Issues, Stem Cell Research, and Cloning”

*If you are interested in hosting a conference co-sponsored by The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity in your area, please contact Jim Moscato at jmoscato@cbhd org. For more information or to register, call 888.246.3844 or visit