5th Annual Summer Conference
July 16-18, 1998
Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL
Plenary Speakers
Thursday, June 16
Friday, June 17
Saturday, June 18
Parallel Papers
Friday, June 17
- Case of the Abortive Surrogate (Staged Trial) - C. Christopher Hook, MD; C. Ben Mitchell, PhD; Nik Nikas, JD; R. Martin Palmer, JD, et al.
- Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? - Randy Alcorn, ThM; Walt Larimore, MD
- Induced Abortion as Violating the Conscience of Women - Thomas Strahan, JD
- Abortion: Truly a Beneficial Option for Women? - Ann Vogel, RN
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Public Policy and Postmoderns: The Spider, the Web, the Fly - Mary Adam, MD
- Viagra and the Goals of Medicine - Donal P. O'Mathuna, PhD
- Toward a Christian Perspective on the Moral and Theological Status of Early Embryos - Robert Evans, PhD
- Some Metaphysical Puzzles Concerning Human Embryogenesis - A.A. Howsepian, MD
- Sexual Ethics and Reproductive Technologies - Dennis Hollinger, PhD
Saturday, June 18
- Human Rights and the Right to Abortion - Winston Frost, JD
- Prenatal Genetic Testing and the Risk of Abortion - Martha Newsome, DDS
- Should Physicians Be "Value Neutral" The Case of Breast Cancer and Abortion - John Peppin, DO
- A Healthcare System that Pursues Life Not Death - Michael J. O'Dea, MBA
- A Clinical Ethics Perspective on Assisted Reproductive Technology - Robert Orr, MD
- Limiting Abortion: Legislative Compromise as Moral Strategy - Jay Sappington, MA
- Human Cloning: Technological and Moral Imperatives in Tension - Rebecca Davis Mathias, PhD
- Should Cloning Humans Be Legally Banned? An Examination of the Constitutional Right to Procreate - Charlene Kalebic, CPA
- Legal Philosophy, the Ten Commandments, and Roe v. Wade - Thomas Strahan, JD
- Response to Iglesias and Rae on Reproductive Technologies Outside of Marriage - Agneta Sutton
- Intensive Bioethics Institute - Nigel M. de S. Cameron, PhD
- Advanced Bioethics Institute - John Kilner, PhD and Harold O. J. Brown, PhD
- Bioethics Institute on Abortion - Francis Beckwith, PhD
- Pre-Med Bioethics Institute - Joyce Shelton, PhD
- Wrap-Around Conference Graduate Course - Harold O. J. Brown, PhD
- Wrap-Around Conference Undergraduate Course - Joyce Shelton, PhD
- Post-Conference Seminar: The Changing Face of Health Care - Harold O. J. Brown, PhD
- Post-Conference Seminar: Genetic Ethics - C. Ben Mitchell, PhD